Childbirth Classes and Midwife's service in English
Professional support for expectant mothers and couples
First Childbirth Classes were in 2011. Since then I have had an opportunity to walk beside so many families on their path to empowering birth.

Picture by Nuppukuvaus
I offer several different Birthing Classes. You can do all or choose the most important ones for you.
Birthing Class with your Midwife
In this class we will explore how it is to give birth in our local Pori hospital.
Prenatal check ups (neuvola) with a midwife. You can have all your prenatal check ups in Women's Wellbeing Center Olennainen or you can have them in neuvola and have some extra appointments with me.
1-1,5 hour appointment in Olennainen or in your home at the time convinient for you.
60 min appointment fee 70,00€
I offer several different Birthing Classes. You can do all or choose the most important ones for you.
Confident Birth is a method, a key to a confident and loving birth. Method works in every birth, in every environment, in every woman. This is 3 hour class and as a private session it costs 150,00€ per couple and it incl. tea. As a group of two couples or more it is 83,00€ per couple.
Spinning Babies® is approach for optimal fetal positioning and easier birth.
Spinning Babies Parent Class with a Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator highlights your baby's active role in birth. During labor the baby needs to pass through the three levels of the pelvis. Learn techniques to help your pelvis and it's muscles that support or restrict your pelvic levels. Together, you and your birth partner can use these techniques before and during labor to help "make room for baby!"
Spinning Babies reveals how the baby can find optimal positions for labor, and make birth less painful, and even pleasurable!
This class is for expectant parents only.
Baby's job in labor is to rotate!
Learn about Spinning Babies Techniques
Daily Essential Activities
The Three Sisters of Balance help birth muscles to relax and add comfort now to ease birth later.
Daily Essential Activities
The Three Sisters of Balance help birth muscles to relax and add comfort now to ease birth later.
Birth Positions that open the pelvis that let the baby come through more easily.
Bring your birth partner to learn how to help you in pregnancy for comfort in labor and birth.
Bring your birth partner to learn how to help you in pregnancy for comfort in labor and birth.
This is a 3 hour class and as a private session it is 150,00€ per couple, incl. tee. As a group of two couples or more it is 83,00€ per couple.
Birthing Class with your Midwife
In this class we will explore how it is to give birth in our local Pori hospital.
Handling pain incl. acupressure, TENS, massage and touching.
Pain and medication in birth, pros and cons
Breastfeeding and how you can prepare yourself for it
Midwives best tips to be ready for giving birth
How to plan your birth and what to ask from the midwives in hospital
This is a 3 hour class and it is 150,00€ per couple, incl. tee. As a group of two couples or more it is 83,00€ per couple.
If you do all three classes as a private meetings, you will get a -10% discount.
If there is English speaking group (at least 2 expectant moms) and you participate in all three classes you will get a discount. All three birthing classes in a group of two couples of more 224,00€ per couple.
This is a 3 hour class and it is 150,00€ per couple, incl. tee. As a group of two couples or more it is 83,00€ per couple.
If you do all three classes as a private meetings, you will get a -10% discount.
If there is English speaking group (at least 2 expectant moms) and you participate in all three classes you will get a discount. All three birthing classes in a group of two couples of more 224,00€ per couple.
Text me, call me or email me early enough, so we have time to plan classes to you.
tel. +358 44 046 0463
tel. +358 44 046 0463
At all the meetings and classes: Wear comfortable and warm clothes, please.
Prenatal check ups (neuvola) with a midwife. You can have all your prenatal check ups in Women's Wellbeing Center Olennainen or you can have them in neuvola and have some extra appointments with me.
1-1,5 hour appointment in Olennainen or in your home at the time convinient for you.
60 min appointment fee 70,00€
90 min appointment fee 90,00€
Homevisit 60 min 70,00€+traveling expences
Homevisit 60 min 70,00€+traveling expences
I have been a hospital midwife since 1999. I attended to a homebirth the first time at 2013 and since then I have been a homebirth midwife too. In Finland most of babies are born in hospitals and homebirth rate is very low. We have less than one hundred planned homebirths per year in the whole country. Costs of a homebirth are starting from 1950,00€, first time moms starting from 2250,00€.

Women's Wellbeing Center Olennainen